
Sunday 28 May 2017

Sambutan Hari Guru 2017: Senada & Seirama

Hari Guru yang disambut pada 16 Mei saban tahun telah lebih seminggu berlalu. Namun, memandangkan pada waktu itu merupakan minggu peperiksaan penggal, maka sambutan peringkat sekolah hanya diadakan pada hari terakhir persekolahan penggal 1, iaitu pada hari Jumaat, 26 Mei 2017.

Sambutan pada tahun ini diadakan secara cukup ringkas dan sederhana, sementelahan pula berada di ambang bulan Ramadhan. Menyambung tradisi sambutan Hari Guru di dataran terbuka seperti pada tahun lepas, sambutan tahun ini diadakan di Dataran Ilmu (tapak perhimpunan). Rasionalnya adalah supaya sambutannya tidak terlalu formal dan lebih dirasai oleh seluruh warga sekolah.

Tema sambutan Hari Guru 2017 yang dipilih adalah: “Sehati Sejiwa Senada Seirama”, di mana semua guru memakai pakaian sedondon iaitu baju batik rasmi sekolah. Ia menjadi simbolik kepada semangat kesatuan, perpaduan dan kerjasama semua guru dalam suatu komuniti pendidikan.

Acara sambutan dimulakan dengan sesi fotografi di Dewan Sri Bawang. Kemudian, semua guru dan pelajar mengambil tempat di Dataran Ilmu. Doa pembuka majlis dipimpin oleh Cikgu Zaharudin yang segak memakai persalinan lengkap baju melayu lengkap bersampin. Seterusnya, Cikgu Hipnee (PK1) membacakan perutusan Ketua Pengarah Pendidikan Malaysia bagi Hari Guru 2017.

Aturcara diteruskan dengan ucapan daripada ayahanda Tuan Pengetua, En. Lau Siah Teck yang merakamkan penghargaan & terima kasih buat seluruh warga sekolah terutamanya barisan guru atas khidmat bakti yang dicurahkan tanpa jemu. 

Usai ucapan Tuan Pengetua, semua guru menuju ke pentas kecil untuk bacaan ikrar yang diketuai oleh Cikgu Azairudin serta nyanyian lagu Hari Guru. Lagu “Kami Guru Malaysia” sememangnya wajib didendangkan setiap kali sambutan Hari Guru sejak zaman berzaman. Cuma, di Sarawak kami ada sebuah lagi lagu wajib, iaitu “Pendidik Bumi Kenyalang”. 

Secara peribadi, lagu “Pendidik Bumi Kenyalang" lebih sentimental buat saya. Lagu ini terus melekat di jiwa saya sejak kali pertama mendendangkannya semasa Minggu Orientasi guru-guru baharu saat pertama kali menjejakkan kaki ke Sarawak pada awal tahun 2011.

Sesudah habis menyumbangkan suara, tibalah masanya pula untuk acara memotong kek Hari Guru yang cantik. Mujur juga tahun ni tempah kek dengan orang lain, jika tidak dapat lagi kek macam tahun lepas, haruuu…..

Seterusnya, acara penyampaian hadiah Hari Guru oleh barisan pengawas sekolah kepada semua guru, dimulakan dengan barisan pentadbir sekolah.

Pengetua, Mr. Lau Siah Teck 

PK1, Cikgu Hipnee 

PK HEM, Cikgu Jarit 

PKKK, Cikgu Patrick 

Hadiah saya disampaikan oleh 'Bunga Cantik' (Mei Hua) 

Kebiasaannya bagi kebanyakan acara mahupun majlis yang diadakan di sekolah ini, tidak sah jika tiada cabutan bertuah. Bagi tujuan ini, 10 hadiah disediakan oleh Tuan Pengetua untuk 10 orang guru yang bertuah. (p/s: saya memang dari dulu lagi tak pernah bertuah.haha....)

Tahniah diucapkan kepada 10 orang guru yang bertuah itu, antaranya Cikgu Azai, Cikgu Fatima, Cikgu Nur Atiqah, Cikgu Hii Lu Hua, Cikgu Martha dll. Even PK pun dapat…

Sesi persembahan dibahagikan kepada 3 slot: 2 slot untuk pelajar, manakala slot terakhir adalah persembahan khas guru. Slot persembahan dimulakan dengan deklamasi sajak oleh 3 orang jejaka cute dari kelas 1A yang malu-malu kucing. Lebih-lebih lagi apabila diusik oleh cikgu-cikgu mereka.hehe….

Dari kiri: Wessly, Ronny, Salvisberg 

Persembahan ke-2 oleh Masing & Cassidy Manggie yang mempertaruhkan suara maskulin mereka bagi mendendangkan lagu “Guru Ibarat Lilin”.

Para pelajar terus bersorak dengan kemunculan artis jemputan khas, ‘Aizat Amdan’ untuk persembahan kemuncak. Sebenarnya, bukan Aizat betul pun…. KB Sains Math kami, Cikgu Sembi yang menyampaikan lagu "Ku Terima Kau Apa Adanya" (Pocket Band) . Lagu tersebut ditujukan khas buat para pelajar terutamanya pelajar-pelajar ting. 5. (p/s: bukan selalu nampak Cikgu Sem pakai ‘smart’ macam ni).

Sambutan Hari Guru peringkat sekolah berakhir di sini. Saya menyambungnya di kelas dengan anak-anak 3C. Tahun ni, kali pertama pegang kelas hujung. Belum pernah lagi belanja mereka. Selalu masuk kelas asyik geram dan marah sahaja. Haha…. Jadi, terfikir untuk gembirakan hati mereka sebelum berakhirnya penggal 1 & sebelum menjelangnya bulan Ramadhan. Disebabkan perancangan untuk jamuan ni dilakukan pada saat-saat terakhir (baca: last minute), maka apa yang dihidangkan cukup ringkas dan sekadar mampu. Cuma, mereka ni tak adalah ‘demand’ sangat, makan saja apa yang ada. Ini pun mereka sudah cukup excited.   

Wajah-wajah belakang tabir:

Do Re Mi Bawang Assan. haha.... 

dari meja MC 

Bersama 4 'orang kuat' smkba 

Video Persembahan Cikgu Sembi: 
(p/s: sorry for the low quality, it is from a camera phone)

Ku terima kekuranganmu 
Ku syukuri kelebihanmu 
Kerna ku memang sayang kamu..... 

Sunday 21 May 2017


Subject        : Science Form 1 
Topic           : Chapter 3; Homeostasis  
Sub-topic    : Homeostasis in human  

Teaching & Learning Strategies : Contextual Learning, outdoor activities  
Students' Activities                      : Simple physical activities, group discussion


Homeostasis is a new topic in KSSM Science Form 1. Previously in KBSM, homeostasis is only taught to form 5 students. So, when I first heard about this topic, even I was nervous. Don’t even remember whether I ever learnt it before this in Biology or not. Totally forgot and no idea. Haha…

For me, the concept of homeostasis is too abstract, especially the explanations. When I first taught the students, they were all blurr. They can understand the basics, but when they need to explain, their mind ‘blank’.  

Therefore, I use another learning session to repeat this topic by using different learning strategies. Instead of just sitting in the classroom, see the video / power point, this time I asked them to experience the homeostasis themselves. All the learning activities were done outside the classroom (at the volleyball court) 

Induction Set 

I asked students whether they ever took their pulse rate or whether they know the normal rate of pulse. Two third of the students answered NO.
Then, I asked the students to measure their pulse rate in one minute.
After that, asked some students to share their pulse rate. Some of them got very low (around 40-50) and some of them got more than 100.

I asked students to give some idea why do they think the value is different from one another and some of them have bigger difference.


Students were asked to jog around the volleyball court for 3 laps.  

After that, they were asked to measure their pulse rate again and compare the value with the previous. (of course the value increases)

Keep asking them why:
Why the pulse rate increases after physical activity?
Why are we breathing faster than before?
Why do we feel tired?
What other changes do you feel / observe? (refer to sweating)
Why are we sweating?
Why do we feel thirsty?
What happen if we drink too much?

Let the students think by themselves and discuss with their friends.
After 15 minutes rest, they measure their pulse rate for the third time.
Now, the value decreases. Why?


Start with the definition of homeostasis
Homeostasis is the maintenance of the body system to keep our body in a balance condition, for example the body temperature and water content.

When we feel hot, we are sweating to cool down our body. Heat from body is released together with the sweat.
When we are sweating, the water content inside our body decreases. Therefore, we feel thirsty because the body need us to replace the water lost by drinking more water. 

When we feel cold, we are shivering. More heat energy produced to keep our body warm.

When we drink more water, more urine will be produced to maintain water content inside the body. Oppositely, when we drink less water, less urine produced.

During physical activity, more oxygen needed. Heart will pump more blood and breathing mechanism increases. That’s why pulse rate increases as well as the breathing rate.

Group Discussion  

Students will be bored if everything is explained by the teacher.
So, let them explore more by themselves.
Students are asked to discuss in group what are the systems involved in homeostasis.
After the discussion, students present and explain the concept of homeostasis.

Students are then asked to observe their surroundings.  
Observe what animals usually do (we have cats and dogs at our school)


Homeostasis plays an important role in our daily life. The body temperature and water content in our body must be maintained in an optimum level to keep our body in a balance condition. Can you predict what will happen if our kidneys cannot function properly? Will it affect homeostasis?


For form 1 syllabus, homeostasis is only focus on regulation of water content and body temperature. The conditions discussed are including sweating, shivering, heartbeat rate and production of urine. The two systems involve are endocrine system and urinary system. 

States of Matter: Daily Life Applications

Subject       : Science Form 1
Topic          : Chapter 5; Matter
Sub-topic    : Changes of the states of matter in daily life

Teaching & Learning Strategies : Contextual Learning, Science, Technology & Society
Students' Activities                     : Group discussion & presentation

Induction Set 

There are three states of matter: Solid, Liquid and Gas. 
Matter can change its states when there are changes in heat, either heat is absorbed or heat is released. 
Students are asked to state and name all processes involved in the changes of the states of matter. 


Teacher discusses some examples in daily life involving the changes of the states of matter

Group Discussion 

Students are divided into 6 groups 
Each group is given an envelope with 2 cards inside. 

One card shows a picture of daily life application. 
Another one card consists of questions needed to be discussed in group. 

So, the students are guided and know what to discuss and present afterwards.
Each group gets different applications and questions.  
(the pictures and the questions are printed from the power point presentation slides) 

The number on each envelope is the number of turn for group presentation. So, there's no need for the students to draw numbers to take turn for presentation. 

Group Presentation 

All members of the group / group representative present their group work. 
At the same time, a power point presentation is shown to the whole class including the pictures and the guided questions.

Group member present their idea. After that, teacher shows the actual answer.

* download all the materials at the end of this post. 


States of matter plays an important role in our daily life. We experience the changes of the states of matter daily, yet sometimes we don't really pay attention to it and don't quite understand how the scientific concept applied in some situations. So, now can you name some of the daily life applications and the process involved? 

Daily Life Applications for the Changes of the States of Matter 

1. Making ice-cream 
2. Preventing ice-cream from melting by using dry ice 
3. Drying the cloths 
4. Moth balls 
5. Cloud formation 
6. Fog / dew formation 
7. Melting the snow on the road 
8. Making ice-cream without freezer 
9. Keeping can drinks cold longer 
10. Formation of water droplets outside glass / on the mirror / on car screen 
11. Gel air freshener 


All the explanations for the applications and the concept are discussed in accordance to the syllabus of KSSM Science Form 1. Explanations are short and simple to enhance students' understanding. The focus is mainly on the changes of the states of matter. For more detailed explanations, can be discussed with higher level / excellent students. 

Teaching Materials: